American Crew

American Crew precision blend light au 7-8


American Crew Precision Blend Light (7-8) - white hair coloring in 5 minutes chrono Lightshade (7-8 pitch).

American Crew Precision Blend is a color for men. American Crew Precision Blend brings a natural coverage of white hair in 5 minutes. American Crew Precision Blend Light corresponds to a tone height of 7 or 8 and fades over shampoos (about 24).

In a coloring bowl, mix the American Crew Precision Blend color with the 4.5% developer at a ratio of 1 + 1. Developer sold separately.
About 20 ml are needed for hair 2.5 cm long.

1 tube = 40 ml = 2 applications on short hair or 1 application on long hair.
Developer at 4.5% - 15 vol. - 450 ml (11 to 22 colors).
Mix 1 + 1.
Break time: 5 minutes.